Sunday, December 8, 2013

Palåbran Haåni

Estagui' siha iyoku posting ginen FaceBook:

Chamoru word of the day: håf - (not a stand alone word) from håfa (what/why) used as a kind of pre-fix (but not technically a prefix by definition).
Ex.: Håfmalago'mu guini? = What do you want here?

Håfna ti un ågang hit? = Why didn't you call me?

Håfkao båbåba ilumu? = Are you crazy?

Håfbidåmu? = What have you done?

Note: do not confuse this with the prefix "ha" which means "usually" or "often," such as:

Hafñagu = fertile female
Hadångkulu = often large
Hamalångu = sickly

Chamoru word of the day: guaifun - windy.
Ex.: Gof ma'lak i atdao ya sumen maipi i semnak på'gu, lao tåya' guaha sa' guaifun lokkue'. = The sun is very bright and the sunshine is really hot today, but its nothing because its also windy.

Hoksi i papit gi lamasa sa' kulan mampus guaifun ya hinasa sempri. = Weigh down the paper on the table because its kinda too windy and the paper will get blown away.

Chamoru word of the day: hokkuk - depleted, also used in an idiomatic way to indicate singularity.

Ex.: Sangåni si tatåmu na ti åpmam hokkuk pugas gi gima'. = Tell your father that the rice in the house will soon be depleted.

Hokkuk ha' malago'hu pågu na haåni ayuyu ni malechin niyuk yan ma nå'yi puntan kalamasa. = The only thing I want on this day is coconut crab cooked in coconut milk with pumpkin tips added.

Hokkuk ha' tiningo'hu na sulon i patgun sa' palaksi' simentu. = All I know is that the child slipped because the cement is slippery.

Three Chamoru words that sound similar yet have vastly different meanings:
Tahgui - to replace.
Taigui - absent, missing.
Taiguihi - like, similar to.

Chamoru word of the day: hångai - purpose or reason for being somewhere.
Ex.: Håfa un hångai gi espitåt gi nigapña? = What was your reason for being at the hospital the day before yesterday?

Håfa hinangaimu guini gi lanchoku? = What is your purpose for being here at my ranch?

Chamoru word of the day: chaochao (also chalaochao) - choppy ocean; shake liquid in a closed container.
Ex.: Piligru pumeska giya tåsin Tokcha' yanggin chaochao. It's dangerous to go fishing at Tokcha' beach when the water is choppy.

Mungnga ma chalaochao i buteyan Coke sa' besbis sempri yanggin un baba. Don't shake the bottle of coke because it will spew when you open it.

Chamoru word of the day: håsngun - deliberate, intentional, purposely.

Ex.: Ti hu håsngun hao muna' bubu. = I didn't mean to anger you.

Leku na un håsngun ha' yu' pumåtik. = I believe that you just kicked me on purpose. (Not accidentally)

Chamoru Word for today: hålang - feeling of discouragement, worry, or reluctance.

Ex.: Malagu' i patgun humånao para i tasi, lao hinalang parao faisen si tatåña sa' lulålålu' na oga'an. = The kid wants to go to the beach, but he's reluctant to ask his father because he (the father) is angry this morning.

Ha hålang yu' i ichan para bai falak i tasi på'gu. = The rain has discouraged me from going to the beach today.

Kin: Kao paraun fåttu gi giput agupa'? = Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
Miget: Cha'mu hinalang påri! = Don't you dare worry, Compadre!

Chamoru word of the day: utas - to conserve; to be frugal.

Ex.: Mampus gaddai hao habun magågu, maolekña ta utas sa' ti meggai salåpi' gi kapita.

You use to much laundry soap, it's better if we conserve because there's not much money in the wallet.

Chamoru word of the day: hopyat (also hoyat or opyat) - to rub your hands together while washing them.

Ex.: Annok na ti un hopyat kannai mu annai un fagåsi sa guaguaha' tesña. = It's evident that you didn't rub your hands together when you washed them because there is still black residue (from charred wood or from a blackened pot).

Chamoru word of the day: ngaha' - tilt head backwards.

Ex.: Na' ngaha' i neni yan baba pachotña yaun go'ti ya bai chotgi.

Tilt the baby's head back and open his mouth and hold it (open) and I'll squeeze (the medicine ball and drip the medicine into his throat).

Chamoru word of the day: Sahang, also sa'ang - to put something in it's usual place; to put something away, out of reach or out of sight.

Ex.: Sahang i amut-mu sa' i famagu'on=Put your medicine away because the children (may get a hold of it).

Sa'ang i sagan åpu siha yanggin man måttu i bisita=put away the ash trays when the visitors arrive.

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